
Codeweek Learning Bits

Coding without digital technology (unplugged)

By Alessandro Bogliolo

Coding is the language of things, which allows us to write programs to grant new functionalities to the tens of billions of programmable objects around us. Coding is the fastest way to make our ideas come true and the most effective way to develop computational thinking capabilities. However, technology is not strictly required to develop computational thinking. Rather, our computational thinking skills are essential to make technology work.

In this video, Alessandro Bogliolo, Professor of Computer Systems in Italy and EU Code Week Coordinator, will introduce unplugged coding activities that can be practiced without any electronic device. The main purpose of unplugged activities is to lower the access barriers to bring coding in every school, regardless of funding and equipment.

Unplugged coding activities unveil the computational aspects of the physical world around us.

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If you would like to connect with an international group of enthusiastic teachers, join the EU Code Week Facebook group for teachers! To take a step further and collaborate with other schools in your country or across borders – join the Code Week 4 All challenge.