Personal trainer with micro:bit
This challenge has been written by Álvaro Molina Ayuso and is part of the EU CODE WEEK CHALLENGES.
Target Audience
  1. Lower Secondary School students (12 to 16 years)
  2. Upper Secondary School students (16 to 18 years)
  1. Intermediate
  1. 30-40 minutes
  1. To code micro:bit in order to use the buzzer and led panel
  2. To create a personal device to control your physical activity
  3. To code micro:bit to improve your health through sport
Recommended Materials
  1. micro:bit V2
This challenge allows you to code your micro:bit to control the repetition times of physical exercises combined with rest time. You will track your physical activity at school, at home or in the park.
  • When A+B, create a 3-second countdown timer with a musical note sound every second and display the word GO!
  • During the first exercise, display a flashing 2x2 square for 20 seconds. Then play a sound and keep the square fixed. During the remaining time, another flashing image must be displayed for 10 seconds. When it finished, play a sound.
  • Then repeat the same action but display a 3x3 panel for the exercise time. Repeat these actions until the 5x5 panel is displayed.
Share the link to your work in your Instagram Bio: tap the Edit Profile button on your Instagram and add the link to your work in the Website field. After that, create a new post, add a screenshot of your work, write “Link in Bio”, add the hashtag #EUCodeWeekChallenge and mention @CodeWeekEU.
Click here to download this challenge as a word document.