A circle of dots
This challenge has been written by Marin Popov and is part of the EU CODE WEEK CHALLENGES.
Target Audience
  1. Primary School students (6 to 12 years)
  1. Intermediate
  1. 40 minutes
  1. To write code to draw a line of points.
  2. To write code to draw a line of dashes.
  3. To write code to draw a circle.
  4. Write code to draw a circle of dots (dashes).
Recommended Materials
  1. Scratch
Draw a circle from dots or dashes.
  • Building a dot block.
  • Building a dash block.
  • Constructing a circle from dot.
  • Constructing a circle from dash.
Share the link to your work in your Instagram Bio: tap the Edit Profile button on your Instagram and add the link to your work in the Website field. After that, create a new post, add a screenshot of your work, write “Link in Bio”, add the hashtag #EUCodeWeekChallenge and mention @CodeWeekEU.
Click here to download this challenge as a word document.