

EU Code Week thrives thanks to a vast, international community of volunteers. In this page you can meet the members that are active in your country.
EU Code Week’s backbone is the Ambassadors, the Leading teachers and representatives of ministries of education in the EU and Western Balkans countries – the Edu coordinators.

Find out more about your local community by selecting your country:


EU Code Week Ambassadors are the main point of contact for Code Week in each country and help spread the vision of Code Week locally. The Ambassadors connect people, companies and communities interested in supporting EU Code Week. They encourage organisers to register coding activities on the Code Week map, and promote the overall participation in EU Code Week. Ambassadors also review and approve activities in their country. Ambassadors also work with their peers in other countries and meet regularly to discuss how to further develop the initiative.

Brice Copy

Brice is a software engineer at CERN, where he works on open-source industrial control projects for the LHC and general CERN infrastructure. With support from CERN and its Staff Association, he organizes public events focused on digital litteracy, using cutting-edge technology such as robotics and augmented reality as a vector. He is passionate about innovation and making it more accessible to further education methods, gender equality and human progress.

Geraldine Zahnd

As a self-proclaimed lifelong learner and a career spanning more than 10 years and 3 continents, I have always been a tech enthusiast. I founded Digital Kidz a technology website for families after having spent 3 years in Silicon Valley. My main goals with this platform is to ensure children to know and understand better new technologies allowing them to have a positive impact on tomorrow's world. Digital Kidz is a Swiss non-profit organisation committed to bring new technologies inclusive, accessible, equitable and fun to children. Avec un état d'esprit d'apprenante à vie et après avoir mené une carrière professionnelle sur 3 continents, j'ai toujours été une passionnée de technologie. J'ai fondé Digital Kidz, un site web technologique pour les familles après avoir passé 3 ans dans la Silicon Valley. L’ une des missions de Digital Kidz est d’assurer que les enfants soient initiés aux nouvelles technologies afin qu’ils puissent innover, créer et avoir un impact positif sur le monde de demain. Digital Kidz est une organisation suisse à but non-lucratif et qui s’engage à rendre la découverte et l’apprentissage de la programmation inclusif, accessible, équitable, stimulant et amusant.

Ellen Walker

Aujourd'hui plus que jamais, il est important de créer des liens amicaux entre les pays. En associant la Suisse à la Semaine du code de l'UE, nous pouvons aider à créer des réseaux et à partager des ressources, des connaissances, des défis et des opportunités au-delà des frontières pour une Europe plus unie et un monde plus vaste. Ellen Walker (J.D., LL.M.) est l'une des ambassadrices de la Code Week pour la Suisse et se concentre sur la Suisse romande. Ellen Walker est la fondatrice et directrice de RightsTech Women, une ONG œuvrant pour que davantage de filles et de femmes accèdent à l'éducation et aux emplois dans les sciences, la technologie, l'ingénierie et les mathématiques (STIM). Consciente de l'importance de l'éducation STIM et de l'égalité en matière d'emploi pour les femmes dans le monde, elle a fondé RightsTech Women en 2018 (https://rightstech.org). Avec des partenaires, elle organise des événements Code Week en français et en anglais en Suisse.

Leading teachers

Leading teachers is an active community of more than 450 educators from across Europe. They help connect schools, teachers and students interested in participating to Code Week and encourage them to organise activities and register them on the Code Week map. The Leading teachers hold professional development webinars in their language and are a reference point for other teachers in the country but also in Europe. They also promote the initiative locally.

If you are a teacher, you can find Leading teachers near you to connect with on the map.

Edu coordinators

EU Code Week Edu coordinators are correspondents in Ministries of Education or other educational authorities and organisations participating in EU Code Week. Edu coordinators strengthen the foundations of the initiative by supporting teachers and schools nation-wide. This includes communication with schools who already participate in EU Code Week to learn about their best practices and share experience. Edu coordinators also support schools that want to participate in the initiative, by providing available resources, learning material and opportunities within the community.

Volunteer for EU Code Week

You do not need to take on an official role in the EU Code Week community to be part of the movement. Everyone can organise activities to teach and inspire people to code, do robotics, tinker with hardware, 3D-print etc. and pin their activity on the map However, if you want to volunteer your time to promote coding and believe in the vision and values of EU Code Week, you could potentially become a leading teacher or an ambassador. .

If you are an educator passionate about teaching and learning how to code as much as we are, you can find out more about the role and benefits of Leading teachers here. Then you can apply to become a Leading Teacher by filling this online application form. Please note that the number of Leading Teachers per country is fixed which means that applications are open only for some specific countries at a time.

If you want to promote coding in your country, check out the responsibilities of Ambassadors and take a quick look at the list of EU Code Week Ambassadors. If there are Ambassadors in your country, please get in touch directly with them and see how you can best support the initiative. If there is no one in your country, you can reach out at info@codeweek.eu.